The 2013 Global Trade Symposium wrapped up with a dynamic panel of foodservice and retail veterans in a no-holds-barred discussion on global procurement. Wayne McKnight president and founder of McKnight Insights and Solutions based out of Ontario, Canada, discussed the driving forces behind procurement and replenishment strategies as well as emphasized the importance of planning and commitment.
"You must be clear on your direction," advised McKnight. "The pace of change is important. It is better to build less with excellence."
He likened the system more to a supply pipe rather than a chain. “A supply pipe concept has the ability to change one or more of the elements in the middle as opposed to being hierarchical," McKnight said.
After McKnight's presentation, further issues surrounding the global landscaped were addressed by a panel members such as: Rich Dachman, Sysco's vice president of produce; Tim York, president of Markon Cooperative; Reggie Griffin, formerly with Kroger and past chairman with the United Fresh Produce Association; Bruce Peterson, former senior vice president and general merchandise manager of perishables with Wal-Mart; and Dick Spezzano, former vice president of produce with Vons.