Potatoes USA Nomination Meeting, July 18

On July 18th, 2017 at 1 pm, there will be a nomination meeting for Idaho delegates to serve on the Potatoes USA Board.  This year Idaho has 9 open positions to fill. 

The meeting will be held at the Red Lion Inn in Pocatello, Idaho, located at 1555 Pocatello Creek Rd, Pocatello, ID. 83201.  There will also be a conference call line set up for this as well.  That number is 208-514-4226. Participant code 1111#.  Each potato organization growing more than 5 (five) acres of potatoes is eligible to participate in nominating and voting for these positions. 

If you have any questions on this, please call Travis Blacker at 208-360-9560. 

Responsibilities of this assignment include: 

  • Attend the Board’s Annual Meeting in Denver, always held the third week in March.   Your interests will not be served if this nominee cannot attend each year.  Please make sure that there is not a yearly scheduling conflict at that time, i.e. family vacation, etc.
  • Represent and communicate with his/her constituents on a regular basis
  • Dedicate the time to actively support Potatoes USA activities in his/her area.
  •          Be available when called by Potatoes USA staff to speak to grower groups, newspaper reporters and interested parties about: Potatoes USA programs; the value of the Board to all growers; how the 3.0¢/hundredweight assessment is invested; and how interested parties can become active in the promotion of potatoes.

Nomination Procedures:

1.    To be eligible to vote in nomination meetings or to hold a position on the Board, producers must grow potatoes on five (5) or more acres. Each producer may only vote in one (1) nomination meeting and may only vote once (1X) for each position to be filled on behalf of him or herself, partner(s) or corporation. Proxies must accompany voting on behalf of partners.

2.    Determine the producer is eligible and willing to serve if appointed before the producer is nominated. In order to serve, the producer’s assessments to the National Potato Promotion Board, a.k.a., United States Potato Board, must be current.

3.    Only one nominee is required for each position to be filled. The name of a runner-up (if any) should also be reported to the Board on the “Nomination Meeting Report” form.

Diversity Statement

The Department of Agriculture’s programs are open to all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or marital status, and it is Potatoes USA’s policy that membership on the Board and its committees reflect the diversity of individuals served by its programs. It is therefore the Board’s policy to have the representation of producers from diverse backgrounds on its board and strongly encourages women, younger growers, minorities and persons with disabilities to seek nominations to the Board and to participate in the Board’s activities. 

About Potatoes USA 

Potatoes USA is the marketing organization for the 2,500 commercial potato growers operating in the United States. We promote five main potato products: fresh table-stock potatoes, fresh chipping potatoes, seed potatoes, frozen potato products and dehydrated potato products. The National Potato Promotion Board, dba Potatoes USA, was established in 1971 by a group of potato growers to promote the benefits of eating potatoes. Today, as the largest vegetable commodity board, Potatoes USA is proud to be recognized as an innovator in the produce industry. For more information on Potatoes USA’s mission to “Strengthen Demand for U.S. Potatoes” by creating positive change in the industry through innovative and inspiring approaches, please visit PotatoesUSA.com. In an effort to enhance diversity of the Board, USDA encourages women, younger growers, minorities, and people with disabilities to seek positions on the board.

Source: Potatoes USA