Potandon Wraps Up Its Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

Idaho Falls, ID – Potandon Produce headquartered in Idaho Falls, ID recently completed its 2011 Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) campaign in conjunction with the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). Potandon was proud to work with the NBCF in its mission to increase awareness of breast cancer through education and providing mammograms for those in need.

To support the campaign, Potandon redesigned its popular Klondike Rose® and Klondike Goldust® potato bags with the pink ribbon theme and a call to action to visit the Klondike Brands website (www.klondikebrands.com) for more information about the NBCF. Potandon also made a $10,000 donation to the NBCF.

The promotional bags started shipping in late September, in order for them to be on the retail shelves at the start of BCA month in October. Potandon provided additional support using many of its electronic media platforms, including the company's consumer website, Facebook and Twitter.

Potandon proudly displayed the promotional bags at the PMA show in October, giving the retail community its first look at the redesign in a simulated retail display. The entire staff of Potandon supported the cause by wearing pink shirts, handing out pink grocery bags, and by participating in the Produce for Pink drive. “Nearly everyone we spoke to at the show knew someone who had been affected by this devastating disease and it felt really good to be part of something that gave hope to those afflicted by it,” said Director of Category Management Ralph Schwartz.

"In all, we feel that it was a very successful campaign for us," said David Wheeler, Marketing Manager at Potandon. "The feedback and participation from our customers was a great sign to us that this was a cause that we all could join in on. We focused our marketing and energy in order to add awareness and support for this great effort."

During the promotion, Potandon moved over 1.5 million BCA packages through retail channels and interacted with over 100 thousand consumers on Facebook, Twitter, and other e-Marketing channels.

About Potandon Produce L.L.C.

Headquartered in Idaho Falls, Idaho, Potandon Produce is the largest marketer of fresh potatoes and one of the largest marketers of fresh onions in North America. Potandon holds the exclusive licensing rights to the Green Giant® brand for fresh potatoes and onions, and is able to provide year-round supply to any size retail, foodservice, or wholesale customer. Potandon is also an industry leader in food safety and in bringing innovative products to the market. Visit www.potandon.com to learn more about Potandon, and go to Potandon’s consumer website, www.klondikebrands.com, to learn more about the company’s distinctive potato varieties. To learn more about the Green Giant® Fresh program visit www.greengiantfresh.com.

Green Giant, the Giant character and related words and designs are trademarks of General Mills – used under license. ©2011 General Mills

Klondike Rose, Klondike Goldust, Klondike Gourmet, Klondike Fingerling, Klondike Medley and related characters are trademarks of Sunrain Varieties LLC – used under license. ©2011 Sunrain Varieties LLC

Source: Potandon Produce L.L.C.