Podcast: The Impact of Genetics on Blueberry Quality With Greg Willems

In this episode of “The Business of Blueberries,” Kasey Cronquist, president of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) and the North American Blueberry Council (NABC), is joined by Greg Willems, the President of G & M Farms Inc. and President of the California Blueberry Nursery. Willems established his production as a self-starting, vertically integrated farming operation over twenty years ago. He shares the priorities he places on the genetics his nursery is developing as well as efforts he’s making towards future blueberry market expansion.

Topics Covered Include: 

  • An introduction to Willems and his expertise in berries.
  • Explore Willem’s experience in table grapes and the impact on blueberry operations.
  • The challenges of introducing new varieties to producers and providing new packaging to consumers.

Listen to the episode here.