Peruvian Asparagus Importer's Association Streamlines Its 2017/2018 Category Plan

The Peruvian Asparagus Importer’s Association (PAIA) has completed and published its 2017/2018 Fresh Asparagus Category Statistics and Trends.  “We’ve streamlined our Category Statistics and Trends Plan this year to a six page chart and bullet point summary focusing on Trends, Demographics and Marketing Tips,” states Priscilla Lleras-Bush, PAIA Coordinator.

“Peru, a reliable trade partner for the United States is committed to supplying a steady volume of quality asparagus that meets the ever increasing consumer demand.” states Walter Yager of Alpine Fresh and Co-Chairman of PAIA. “PAIA has always focused efforts to enhance the trade relationship between Peru and the United States, as it pertains to regulatory, cold chain logistics and equipping U.S. retailers and food-service buyers with quality asparagus 365.”

“We are looking forward to increasing Peruvian asparagus volume within the next 30-45 days, just in time for the start of the holiday season,” says Jay Rodriguez of Crystal Valley Foods and Co-Chairman of PAIA. “PAIA and its committed members continue to enhance the Peruvian trade relationship with the United States and this category plan provides U.S. buyers with a great tool to help sell more Peruvian asparagus.”

“The 2017/2018 Fresh Asparagus Category Statistics and Trends specifically includes statistics relating to market imports, buying demographics, and key marketing tips to equip the entire industry with the type of information needed to sell more Peruvian asparagus,” says Lleras-Bush. “Our goal is to inform and promote the trade.” 

The Plan is available from any member of the Peruvian Asparagus Importer’s Association or by contacting its coordinator Priscilla Lleras-Bush at

The association will focus even greater efforts in 2018/19 on spreading the positive word to industry trade press, supermarkets and consumers concerning the benefits of fresh asparagus through articles, advertisements, direct-communication, and trade show participation. The association anticipates increasing consumption and demand for fresh asparagus in 2018/19.

Source: The Peruvian Asparagus Importer’s Association (PAIA)