Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association Set To Showcase Peruvian Asparagus To The US

The Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association (PAIA) will participate at PMA Fresh Summit in Anaheim, California, October 26-28.  Many PAIA importers will host booths at Fresh Summit to network, greet new prospects and say thank you to existing customers.  Other PAIA members will be hosting suites for a multitude of meetings. Several importers and industry service providers from PAIA will be walking the Fresh Summit Exhibit Floor networking and will always have time to talk about Peruvian asparagus and the advances in the trade within our industry!

PAIA Importers and Industry Service Providers would like to personally invite you to come by their booths and meet with them while at this year’s PMA Fresh Summit.

PAIA Booths to visit:

Altar Produce                                                                                                                             TBA
AYCO Farms                                                                                                                                1274
CH Robinson/Rosemont Farms                                                                                              3428
Crystal Valley Specialty Produce                                                                                            1814
Customized Brokers/Crowley                                                                                                 2871
Dole Fresh Vegetables                                                                                                              3002
Gourmet Trading Company                                                                                                     1533
Harvest Sensations/Pro*Act                                                                                                   3073
Hellmann Perishable Logistics                                                                                                0942
Jacobs, Malcolm & Burtt / JMB                                                                                              3420
Keystone Fruit Marketing                                                                                                        1960
Mission Produce                                                                                                                        1218
North Bay Produce                                                                                                                    0531
Progressive Produce                                                                                                                 4118
Southern Specialties                                                                                                                 2168

Many of the PAIA importers will host booths at Fresh Summit to display a wide variety of new presentations including value-added packaging.  PAIA importers are well versed with merchandising ideas/tips and have plentiful suggestions that will assist in the promotion and increased sales of fresh Peruvian asparagus.

The Fresh Summit provides a platform to showcase Peruvian asparagus to the U.S. market and beyond. Priscilla Lleras, PAIA Coordinator adds, “Most if not all PAIA members will be attending PMA Fresh Summit, whether walking the show, exhibiting, participating in meetings or networking. We always have time to talk about Peruvian asparagus and the advances within our industry and we look forward to the interchange we can have with our valued customers during this time.” 

The association will focus even greater efforts in 2012 on spreading the positive word to trade press, supermarkets and consumers concerning the benefits of fresh asparagus.  Through articles, advertisements, direct-communication, and trade show participation, the association anticipates increasing consumption and demand for fresh asparagus in 2012.

Source: The Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association (PAIA)