Peruvian Asparagus Importer's Association Announces Co-Chairmen For 2016-2017

The Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association (PAIA) announces the recent election of the new association Chairmen for the 2016-2017 Term.  Elected by a member vote at the October 2015 meeting were re-elected Co-Chair Walter Yager of Alpine Fresh, Miami, Florida and newly elected Co-Chair Jay Rodriguez, of Crystal Valley Foods, Miami, Florida.  “We are thankful to have a membership filled with many professional and capable men and women to represent our Peruvian asparagus industry with knowledge, zeal and efficiency,” states says Priscilla Lleras-Bush, Coordinator for the Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association.  “We are confident that we will continue to press forward strongly to achieve our association goals and advance the trade and the asparagus category to new heights.”

The Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association would like to welcome these very accomplished Chairmen to their assignments.  “Our Chairmen are commissioned to help guide the association in our efforts to facilitate and further develop asparagus trade, address industry or category matters and assist in evolving the asparagus category as a whole,” says Lleras-Bush.

“PAIA is a very active association that is progressive at addressing any and all commerce and regulatory issues to advance the trade between Peru and the United States,” adds Walter Yager, Alpine Fresh and PAIA Co-Chair.  “Our leadership and commitment to the Peruvian asparagus industry has proven effective and will continue to maintain its role within the industry and trade.”

“PAIA’s  laser focus to detail and has played a crucial ongoing role in increasing  fresh asparagus consumption within the United States,”  says Jay Rodriguez, Crystal Valley Foods and PAIA Co-Chair. “Being newly elected to this position, I look forward to further developing industry synergies within the asparagus industry.”

As an association, PAIA collectively works on all issues affecting the industry and has shared goals to advance the trade and succeed in importing the freshest products into the United States as well as meet consumer demand with the freshest supply of Peruvian Asparagus.  This benefits all who are involved from the grower to the retailer and to the end consumer.

PAIA Mission Statement:  The Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association (PAIA) is an organization of US companies involved in the trade of importing fresh Peruvian asparagus within North America.  We are committed to improving the process and present a united forum through which dialogue and progress is achieved.  We represent the industry to the trade and focus on issues of political and logistical importance. 

The association will focus even greater efforts in 2016 on spreading the positive word to trade press, supermarkets and consumers concerning the benefits of fresh asparagus.  Through articles, advertisements, direct-communication, and trade show participation, the association anticipates increasing consumption and demand for fresh asparagus in 2016/2017.

Source: The Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association (PAIA)