Peach Events Show Off Jersey Peaches At Their Best This Season

Sharpen up your senses, New Jersey peaches have hit the market, and is there anything closer to heavenly than a perfect peach?  Bounteous supplies are available this season, with near-perfect color and sweetness; you can hardly find more delicious …and they’re nutritious — like dessert with health benefits.

Jersey-grown peaches are being celebrated with peach events and peach pie contests at community farmers markets, on-farm markets, restaurants and supermarkets.  So, come on, get going and get lots.  They’re only in season from late June through mid-September.

“The weather gods shone on us this year,” says Santo John Maccherone, chair, New Jersey Peach Promotion Council and a major south Jersey grower.  “My crop is coming in very strong, I’ve started picking and public demand is healthy.  It’s very rewarding to have people expressing appreciation for a product.”

At Holtzhauser Farms in Mullica Hill, the first two varieties of yellow (Desiree and Early Star) and white (Spring Snow and Manon) peaches are being picked, and Tom Holtzhauser is packing overtime to meet public demand, smiling all the while.  His crop was decimated last year by frost.  “I started picking June 20th, and customers are lining up to get my peaches,” he says.  “My hours are 8am -6pm, and even at 6pm, I have customers waiting.”  Holtzhausers grows 30 peach varieties and sells mainly retail from his farm. 

Ron Thomas of Sunny Slope Farm in Hopewell is also a happy grower.  “Our crop is clean, sweet, pretty and perfumes the air,” he says.  We have a full crop and so far, no thunder storms have knocked fruit off the trees.”  He’s picking and selling Sentry yellow variety now, and will have more varieties in a couple weeks.

At Melick Town Farms in Oldwick/Califon, pick-your-own peaches will be available July 4th, “Aand there are plenty,” says John Melick.  “Our peaches look wonderful this season, as compared to last year when we had a thin crop.  We’ll have more than enough for the entire season, through Labor Day and beyond,”

Gary Mount of Terhune Orchards in Princeton says they began picking yellow and white varieties.  “We have a terrific crop” he says.  Our early yellows, Flamin Fury, are some of the best.”

Demarest Farms in Hilldale has a bountiful, flavorful crop of yellow and white varieties, with pick-your-own starting the last week of July.

Greg Donaldson of Donaldson’s Farms in Hackettstown concurs with growers throughout the state. “A warm January and February delayed ripening,” says Greg, “which encouraged large and flavorful fruit.”

Jersey peaches come in yellow-flesh, white-flesh and flat/doughnut varieties. They’re rich in nutrients, each peach contains Vitamin A (570 IU per peach): orange-yellow skin indicates large amounts of beta-carotene Potassium (333 mg per peach, Fiber (2.6 grams per peach), magnesium, calcium, vitamin C and more – all packed into just 60 calories. 

They’re sweetened by natural sugar, and packed with vital nutrients (Vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium fiber and more) — like dessert with health benefits. They’re also low in calories (just 60 in a medium-size peach), no saturated fats and packed with …But don’t just associate them with dessert; they’re great in green salads, cooked with pork, chicken and fish, even in chili.

The following calendar shows special peach events currently.  Additional events will be added as they are planned.  The calendar and other peach information can be found on and  Watch for Jersey Peach ads on facebook’s News Feed page.

For further information, contact the New Jersey Peach Promotion Council,  800 Ellis Mill Road, Glassboro, NJ 08028 email:; check us out; newjerseypeaches;  @njppcpeaches






July 1 -Sept

Holtzhauser Farms, Mullica Hill

74 Woodland Ave,

Peaches all day/every day

Featuring our famous Peach Pancakes and

Holtzhauser Peach Roasted Rib Eye Sandwich. 

July 20

Margate Farmers Market

9700 Amherst Ave (Steve & Cookies by the Bay)

Peach Party…Peach Pie contest for amateur bakers

July 22

Bernardsville Farmers Market

Train Station parking lot

Peach Party:  Getting the peach season into high gear, free drawing of fresh peaches from Silver Lake Farm, Hensler Farm and Alan’s Flower farm.  Baker's Bounty peach cobbler give-away, free peach ice cream from Penguin Ice Cream. Enjoy the fruits of the season until the treats run out.

July 22

Downtown Wildwood Farmers' Market

 3501 Pacific Ave. (Pacific & Schellenger Ave.)

Peach Party & Perfect Peach Pie contest for amateur bakers.

Peach purveyors are Nummytown Farm and Visalli Farm

July 24-Aug 20

The Brothers Moon Restaurant, Hopewell

7 W. Broad St.,

Peach Time

July 28, 29, 30 – Come taste the difference between Crumble, Cobbler, Crisp, Buckle, Brown Betty

Many peach recipes by email to Chef Will:

Menu available on website

July 29

206 Farm Market, Hammonton

 200 Rte 206

Peach Festival

July 29

Boonton Farmers Market

Upper Plane Street Parking Lot

Peach Festival & Pie contest for amateur bakers

July 29-Aug

Sat, Sun


Demarest Farms, Hillsdale

244 Wierimus Rd

Pick Your Own Peaches

July 30

10am-12 noon

Edison Farmers Market

925 Amboy Ave,

Peach Pie contest for amateur bakers

July 30-midSept

The Frog & The Peach, New Brunswick

29 Dennis Street

Celebrating Jersey Peaches

Festival of Peaches: 5-Course Peach Tasting Menu

Every night, July 30th through Mid-September

Aug 1-5

blueplate Restaurant Mullica Hill

with Holtzhauser Orchards

47 S Main St

Just Peachy Dinners

using Holtzhauser Farms peaches.. 4 course dinner with every course highlighting peaches. price $39. We will be filling our menu all season with peaches including our famous Peach Pancakes and our famous Holtzhauser Peach Roasted Rib Eye Sandwich. 


Stokes Farm, Old Tappan

23 DeWolf Road, /,Facebook/StokesFarmNJ

Peach Week special peach baked goods, cooking demonstrations, activities for children. A full schedule of events on our website, Facebook, and Instagram

August 3–8

Gladstone Tavern, Gladstone

273 Main St

Jersey Peach Week.

Spectacular take on Peach Melba: sponge cake bottom, vanilla custard, poached peach, sour cream sorbet, raspberry and peach sauces, garden herbs.

Aug 5

Community Presbyterian Church, Chester

220 Main St

Peach Festival and Country Auction.  Lots of peach desserts including peach pies, cobblers, kuchens, fresh sliced peaches, and home made peach ice cream.   

Aug 5-6

Terhune Orchards, Princeton

330 Cold Soil Road

Just Peachy Festival  

“Summer Harvest” farm-to-fork tasting  featuring 8 local chefs, $15/person. Terhune peach wine

August 5

Chatham Borough Farmers Market

RR Plaza South off Fairmount Avenue

Peach Festival with tastings, live music & more

August 6

Riverview Farmers Market, Jersey City

498 Palisade Ave,

Peach Pie Contest for amateur bakers

Live Music Kid's Activities and more

August 6th

Ramsey Farmers Market

3 Erie Plaza

Peach Party, Peach Pie contest for amateur bakers

Aug 6 &

Aug 13

Alstede Farms, Chester 

1 Alstede Farms Lane

Peach Festival August 5-6 12-13 11-5 PM

Peach Breakfasts August 6th and 13th 8-12:30 PM

Peach picking every day in late July and August.

Call ahead for admission price and availability.

August 6

9am -2pm

ll get back to me with date.  she'ic) Nutley NNutley Farmers Market

Municipal Parking Lot #1 William Street,

Peach Party & Peach Pie contest for amateur bakers

Aug 12

Pennington Farmers Market

Rosedale Mills, 101 Rte 31

It’s Just Peachy What You Can Do with Peaches.

Recipe sharing, cooking competition, showcase with Arts Council

Aug 12

West Windsor Community Farmers Market, Princeton

 2 Vaughn Dr,

Peach Pie Baking Contest

Griggstown Farm Peach Pie tasting

Aug 12

Brigantine Farmers Market

Haneman Park/15 St & Revere Blvd

Peach Festival, Peach pie contest, for amateur bakers

Contest:  8:30 til noon.

Judging begins at 10AM; after winners are announced, “buy a slice for charity”.  Bakers can donate their pies with proceeds going to True Spirit Coalition (our local food bank and resource center for people in need).

August 12

Moorestown/Burlington Co Farmers Market, Moorestown

500 Centerton Rd

Celebrate the Peach! Just Peachy Party

peach basket giveaways,  free peach ice cream and peach pie samples, peachy cooking demos, peach tastings, peachy kids crafts and much more. 

Aug 5

Aug 8, 9, 10 

Collingswood Farmers Market/Peach Dinners

713 North Atlantic Avenue

Just Peachy dinners kick-off, with peach specials, cooking demos & more

Just Peachy dinners Aug 8, 9, 10.(check website for restaurants)

August 19

Montclair Farmers Market

Walnut Street Train Station

Peach Party—samplings, peach baked goods, kid’s activities, recipe brochures, more

Date to come

Fort Lee Farmer's Market

1355 Inwood Terrace

Peach Party




The New Jersey Peach Promotion Council is a non-profit voluntary organization of growers, shippers, wholesalers and associated industries dedicated to the orderly promotion and marketing of New Jersey peaches, thus preserving farmers and farmland and providing the highest quality and best tasting fresh local peaches for consumers.

Source: The New Jersey Peach Promotion Council