Produce for Better Health (PBH) wrapped its annual Consumer Connection Conference last month in Scottsdale, AZ where collaboration was the central message for improving fruit and vegetable consumption, in addition to improving access and driving appeal. This event marked the first of its kind within the organization’s new positioning under the International Fresh Produce Association’s (IFPA) Foundation for Fresh Produce (FFP), demonstrating true collaboration in and of itself.
“The recent PBH Consumer Connection Conference highlighted our industry’s desire to come together – from suppliers, buyers, retail dietitians, to media influencers – and explore strategies and tactics to drive consumer demand for fruits and vegetables,” said IFPA and FFP CEO Cathy Burns. “Through the collaborative efforts of our Foundation for Fresh Produce and International Fresh Produce Association, our industry has considerable momentum as we strive to change the trajectory of human health and grow a healthier world for all.”
Leveraging the power and reach of its vast Have A Plant® Influencer Network spanning three distinct points of influence: point-of-sale (retail); point-of-flavor (culinary & foodservice); and point-of-inspiration (lifestyle, nutrition & agriculture), 37 hosted VIP’s magnified content, shared learnings, inspirational culinary creations and more to their consumer audiences reaching beyond the conference walls. Together, positive fruit and veggie messages reached nearly 2 Million consumers with over 2.5 Million impressions on PBH’s social media channels over the course of the week, measured by #haveaplant and #CC20203 mentions.
“These metrics have doubled compared to the 2022 event, with a particular nod to an increase in LinkedIn posts from produce industry marketers, as well as a large interest in the Facebook Live Event, which demonstrates an energy of plant-passionate advocates orbiting us like we’ve never felt before,” said Katie Calligaro, Director, PBH Marketing & Communications, IFPA. “Arming consumers with hacks and tips for how to easily eat and enjoy more produce is clearly resonating with our audiences, and we were able to bring this to life for them by amplifying content influencers were posting and sharing in real time. This unique approach firmly keeps consumers at the center of passion and produce.”
Attendees Collaborated Through Education Sessions, Networking Receptions, Meals, and PBH’s Signature Social Soiree Event

Attendees were welcomed with a Party For Produce: Celebrating The Power of Collaboration to improve fruit & vegetable consumption among the glorious backdrop of the Omni and camelback mountain.

Cathy Burns, CEO of IFPA and the Foundation for Fresh Produce reinforced the strength of working together to build a healthier world, under the new Foundation goals to boost access and appeal.

Sponsors of PBH’s Signature Meal Event: The Social Soiree unlocked hacks through creative culinary creations to help consumers feel inspired to eat their products in new and innovative ways.

Lisa Coleman, MS, RD, LDN of Giant Food, and Michele Hoard, Kevin Moffit and Haley Gilbert of Pear Bureau Northwest
“We made a lot of wonderful connections, had more time with people we’ve met before and learned a lot, all while having fun!” said Kristi Knowles, CEO of Mother Raw (Reunion Foods) in an email after the event. “The event was so well organized and you attracted great talent. Not only was it educational and business building, it was fun.”
This Is Only The Beginning
There are many ways to partner with PBH and its vast influencer network. This was only the beginning! Coming up, industry marketers and leaders from across the supply chain can engage with decision-makers from the culinary and foodservice sector at IFPA’s Foodservice Conference this July in Monterey, CA.
In October, PBH will bring 25+ Retail Dietitians to the IFPA Global Produce & Floral Show, where industry sponsors will have the opportunity to educate and engage on the show floor via booth visits and private networking receptions. Contact Sharese Roper at sroper@freshproduce.com to secure your spot!
In addition, the organization just announced it will host a 2024 Consumer Connection Conference next spring. Details to follow.
For more information on PBH sponsorships or giving to the Foundation For Fresh Produce to support this work, visit www.fruitsandveggies.org/partnership or contact Sharese Roper at sroper@freshproduce.com.
About the Foundation for Fresh Produce (FFP)
The Foundation for Fresh Produce’s (FFP) vision is to grow a healthier world by changing the trajectory of human health. We believe the produce industry has the potential to provide solutions for many of the world’s greatest health and economic challenges – especially those surrounding nutrition and hunger. The Foundation focuses on improving the appeal of fruit and vegetables as an integral part of people’s diets, supporting the development of infrastructure and supply chain solutions that provide easier access, and establishing strategic alliances that enable children and families to form healthier eating habits. To galvanize the industry efforts to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables, the Foundation for Fresh Produce merged with the Produce For Better Health Foundation (PBH) in January 2023. PBH programming (inclusive of the Have A Plant® Movement) continues under FFP, dedicated to helping consumers live happier, healthier lives by eating more fruits and vegetables every single day.