Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers WA Stone Fruit Season Has Early Start

Wenatchee, WA – It’s “game on!” for stone fruit in the Pacific Northwest, much to the delight of consumers.

Thanks to a mild winter and spring, fruit has come on a week to 10 days earlier than normal this year, and Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers, with both conventional and organic tree-ripened fruit in good supplies, will ship its first loads of organic apricots June 1.

The certified apricots will ship through July 15, and conventional cots will ship June 10 through July 20, according to OSRG Marketing Director Scott Marboe.

He noted that as California is finishing its apricot season early, demand is anticipated to be excellent for Washington fruit

Marboe said the small, sweet, snack-perfect apricots are of excellent quality, noting, “Volume and sizing of the conventional cots will be similar to last season, but our organic volume will be up slightly this season, mostly due to new acreage of Robadas coming on line.”

The entire OSRG stone fruit program was expanded in 2014, with organic apricots, peaches, nectarines and three varieties of pluots comprising nearly 30 percent of the total volume, Marboe said.

“For the past several seasons, we have been working to increase our organic volume in all categories,” said National Sales Representative Bruce Turner.  “Consumer demand in organic and natural continues to grow, and our customers demand it. We plan to continue adding more organics to our manifest every year.”

At the same time it increases its stone fruit volume, OSRG is also adding to its pack options, with the late-season Gourmet Apricots packed in the popular one-pound pouch.

Turner said the late-season fruit are varieties that originated in New Zealand, and their season starts July 25 and runs about six weeks.

Also notable in the apricot category is the laCrème variety, which  is white-fleshed rather than orange. It is packed in the 12/1-pound clamshell, and Turner said, “They’re just too good not to try.”

Consumers can expect to see Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers’ juicy and delectable organic peaches on shelves June 25, and they will be available through Sept. 1. Conventional peaches will start shipping Aug. 1, and they will run through Sept. 15, finishing somewhat earlier than normal as well. Marboe said the crop is excellent again in 2015.

“The volume and sizing on conventional peaches is similar to last season,” he said. “Our organics will be off just slightly as acreage is grafted to newer white-flesh varieties.”

Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers' smooth-skinned, juicy nectarines are down somewhat in volume this year and will also start early. Organics will ship June 25 through Sept. 1, and conventionals will start Aug. 1 and ship through mid-September. Demand in both categories is expected to be very strong, Turner said.

Pluots, the “new kid” on the stone fruit block, will start with organics about Aug. 25 and finish three weeks later. The Robada, newest in the line-up, “just melts in your mouth,” according to grower Scott Kehl.

About Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers:

Founded in the heart of Washington’s apple country in 1934, Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers is a leading fruit grower, packer and shipper that provides its domestic and international customers with quality apples, pears, cherries, stone fruit, grapes and citrus. Visit us online at and

Source: Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers