NYAA Welcomes Produce Veteran Cynthia Haskins As President And CEO

New York Apple Association (NYAA) is starting the new year off with Cynthia Haskins at the helm as its new president and chief executive officer.

“I am thrilled to partner with New York Apple Association’s dedicated board, committed staff and critical partners to expand brand recognition and consumption of New York apples and products,” said Haskins. 

“This is an ideal leadership opportunity to marry my passion for working with growers and industry to expand markets locally, nationally and globally.”

Haskins joins the association with extensive background in the produce industry, having worked with organizations such as The Oppenheimer Group, Washington Apple Commission, Northern Plains Potato Growers Association, Dole, Sunkist, Missouri Department of Agriculture, and most recently Illinois Farm Bureau.

“We welcome Cynthia’s vast experience and leadership to the New York apple community,” said Jason Woodworth, chairman of NYAA’s Board of Directors. “Cynthia has a results-oriented approach and a broad background that will serve our diverse industry well.”

NYAA promotes demand for New York state-produced and -packed apples and apple products, through promotional and educational work with retailers and other handlers, consumers, processors and others. The association also works with state and federal legislators and regulators. New York is the second largest apple-producing state in the country.

“Cynthia’s experience in the domestic and international apple industries – coupled with her skills in marketing, association management and government relations – will be strong assets as we look to the future,” said Woodworth.

Haskins succeeds Jim Allen, who retired Jan. 2 after a 20-year career with NYAA, including 16 years as president. A search committee of NYAA board members was assisted by Boxwood Career Solutions, which specializes in executive search and other association career solutions.

About New York Apple Association, Inc.

A nonprofit agricultural trade association based in Fishers, N.Y., NYAA represents the state’s commercial apple growers. The association supports profitable growing and marketing of New York apples through increasing demand for apples and apple products, representing the industry at state and federal levels, and serving as the primary information source on New York apple-related matters. For more information, visit www.nyapplecountry.com.

Source: New York Apple Association, Inc.