NYAA Encourages Kids To Give Santa Some (Apple) Variety This Year

Fishers, N.Y. — The New York apple industry is calling on children across the Empire State to leave an apple for Santa Claus this Christmas Eve, to give the big guy some variety (apple pun fully intended).

“Think about it, a person can only eat so many cookies in one night – let’s give Santa a break and leave him an apple instead,” says Registered Dietitian Linda Quinn, MS, CDN, who consults for the state’s apple growers.

Quinn says Santa eats an estimated 5,000 tons of cookies each Christmas Eve, well beyond the recommended serving size. Meanwhile, most everyone needs to eat more fruit, Quinn reports.

“We’re not saying no to cookies, we love a good apple cookie, we’re saying that every house may be a little excessive,” Quinn clarifies. “Meanwhile, our state grows so many different varieties of apples that there’s no way Santa will get bored.”

Bonus: Apples are known as Nature’s toothbrush, says Quinn, so eating an apple after a cookie will help keep Santa’s smile bright and healthy.

Don’t forget the reindeer, Quinn adds. “Reindeer love apples,” she says.

About New York Apple Association

A nonprofit agricultural trade association based in Fishers, N.Y., NYAA represents the state's commercial apple growers. The grower-funded association supports profitable growing and marketing of New York apples through increasing demand for apples and apple products, representing the industry at state and federal levels, and serving as the primary information source on New York-apple related matters. For more information, visit www.nyapplecountry.com.

Source: New York Apple Association