Now Accepting Nominations For Joe Nucci Award For Product Innovation

It is now seven years, yet it is so real to this author that it feels like yesterday that Joe Nucci, the then President and CEO at Mann Packing and prospective Chairman of the Board of PMA, died while on vacation with his family and the Pundit’s family at The Animal Kingdom Lodge at the Walt Disney World Resort. We memorialized Joe at his funeral and with a piece titled Saying Goodbye To Joe Nucci.

This year, at The New York Produce Show and Conference, presented by the Eastern Produce Council and PRODUCE BUSINESS magazine, we will continue a tradition we started last year of honoring Joe and his creative spirit by presenting The Joe Nucci Award for Product Innovation in Service of Expanding Consumption of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables.

Last year, the prize was accepted by Matt Curry, President of Curry & Company, for the innovation demonstrated in producing and marketing his company’s Vidalia Sweet Carrots, which perfectly tied into both the high flavor and local trends.

The prize was presented in the presence of Joe’s three sisters — Lorri Koster, DeeDee Reyna and Gina Nucci (pictured left to right) — and it was a way of creating a living monument to Joe, in which the creativity of the industry shall stand forever, as a constantly changing mural, saluting the ideas that Joe held dear and that he expressed by promoting so many innovations, including broccoli cole slaw.

Now we are soliciting nominations for this year’s award. Does your company have a product that represents the best in innovation that will lead to increased produce consumption? Do you know of a vendor or a customer that is on the forefront of such innovation?

If so, please submit a nomination right here.

If you would like to be at the General Session where the Joe Nucci Award for Product Innovation is being presented, please consider registering for The New York Produce Show and Conference here.

Hotel information is here.

Travel discounts can be obtained here.

Source: Jim Prevor’s Perishable Pundit