New York Produce Show & Conference: Cece Krumrine Honored As Woman Of Distinction

The Women's Leadership Committee of the Eastern Produce Council and PRODUCE BUSINESS magazine presented Cece Krumrine with its Woman of Distinction award at the New York Produce Show and Conference during the Women’s Leadership Reception at Jacob Javits’ North Hall on Wednesday, December 2.

"Since I love the work I do and love the produce industry, it is easy to be passionate and devoted to it," said Krumrine, a produce marketing expert and the mentoring lead for the Women's Leadership Committee. In her capacity with the mentoring committee, she encourages young women to enter the produce industry.

"I have been in produce for over 30 years and have met and worked with many [women] that are now dear friends," said Krumrine, who is a founding member of the New England Produce Council and a marketing consultant for various commodity boards, such as the California Avocado Commission and the National Mango Board. "One can't aspire to more satisfaction in their professional life. I am blessed."

Krumrine was recognized for her "tireless efforts for any company, commission or council that she represents," said Marianne Santo, co-chair of community outreach for Women's Leadership, who presented the award. "Kind and nice tend to be overused but they are really an apt description of this recipient. Her disposition is always sunny. She has paved the way for women in the produce industry and is a beloved role model to all of us."

Theresa Lowden, Women's Leadership chair (and a past recipient of the Woman of Distinction award), said the committee's mission is to mentor, inspire and empower the current and next generation of women in the industry with core leadership values, attitudes and skills. The committee was formed three years ago to strengthen the role of women in the Eastern Produce Council and within the industry.

In addition to the award, Women's Leadership also presented the Susan G. Komen Philadelphia affiliate with a $5,000 check. Komen representative and administrative outreach education coordinator, Bernadette White educated the audience about how the organization helps underserved and uninsured women, while survivor Jeannine Donahue, who was diagnosed at age 26, praised the help she received from Komen.

Photo (left to right): Theresa Lowden, Susan McAleavey Sarlund, Cece Krumrine, Jim Prevor, Marianne Santo, Vic Savanello
