Glassboro, NJ – Longing for those juicy Jersey-grown peaches? They won’t be available till summer, but you can follow their growing season for 12 months, with the New Jersey Peach Promotion Council newly released peach calendar.
“We want to keep our Jersey peaches top of mind,” says Santo John Maccherone, president of the council. “Our harvest season doesn’t start until late June but then growing and planning for the marketing of Jersey Fresh peaches is a year-round job. Development of the calendar was the brainchild Francisco Allende, a director of NJPPC and general manager of Sunny Valley International, to replace the NJ Peach Buyers Guide. Each page has the NJ Peach Promotion Council website, email address, facebook and twitter information.”
In addition to beautiful pictures of peach production and marketing, the calendar has a listing of farm retailers and ads from various venders and shippers of Jersey Fresh peaches. The colorful calendar design features photos of beautiful blushing white and yellow fleshed nectarines and peach varieties in June, July. August and September.
During the 2016 season, July and August (Jersey Peach Month), New Jersey peaches were celebrated and featured at 32 farmers markets, with 11 “Perfect Peach Pie” contests. They were also featured with special nutritional demonstrations in 17 supermarkets and in several restaurants. During the 2016 season, New Jersey growers produced approximately 51 million pounds with a wholesale value of $20,000,000.
“We have some new varieties coming on line for 2017 and we look forward to a full crop season,” concludes Maccherone.
The New Jersey Peach Promotion Council is a non-profit voluntary organization of growers, shippers, wholesalers and associated industries dedicated to the orderly promotion and marketing of New Jersey peaches, thus preserving farmers and farmland and providing the highest quality and best tasting fresh local peaches for consumers.
Source: New Jersey Peach Promotion Council