WATSONVILLE, CA | Labor Day marks the end of summer – we’re grabbing our backpacks, tents, and hiking gear for a camping trip! To ensure you can focus on all the fun, our team of mushroom experts has put together 15 camping-friendly recipes you can try out on your next trip in The Ultimate Camping Menu Cookbook.
The recipes, which include popular camping favorites such as a hobo pack, kebabs, and burgers, are offered to help campers simplify outdoor meal planning.
“It is easy to feed your immune system by eating mushrooms,” said Lindsey Occhipinti, marketing manager. “We love educating people about the importance of eating a healthy diet loaded with fruits, vegetables — and especially mushrooms,” said Lindsey Occhipinti, company marketing manager.
“With the end of summer upon us, we wanted to release one more fun piece of summer content. Mushrooms are topping the charts this year and camping menus are no exception,” Occhipinti said.
The company has a library of electric guides for their customers, including the ever-popular Everything You Need to Know About High Vitamin D Mushrooms eBook for Retailers and Retail Dietitians which is also free and easy to download.
When you download this free eBook you will receive recipes such as:
- Martha Stewart’s Mixed-Mushroom Hobo Pack
- Mushroom Hawaiian Kebabs with Teriyaki Sauce
- Mighty Mushroom Lettuce Wrapped Blended Burger
- And 12 Other Mouthwatering Recipes!
Click the button above to get your free copy of The Ultimate Camping Menu Cookbook.
Happy camping,
The Monterey Mushroom Team
For more information about the company visit www.montereymushrooms.com.
About Monterey Mushrooms:
Monterey Mushrooms® has nine farms strategically located across North America. We provide all major US cities with fresh, locally-grown mushrooms year-round. Monterey Mushrooms has been enhancing people’s lives for 50 years.