Michigan Onion Producers Approve Continuation Referendum

LANSING – Michigan's onion producers have approved a referendum to continue the Michigan Onion Promotion and Development Program.

Established in September 1977, the Michigan Onion Promotion and Development Program was developed to improve the economic position of the state's onion producers by creating greater marketing opportunities for Michigan onions.

It will continue for an additional five years beginning September 1, 2012. The current program assessment is $.06 per hundredweight of Michigan onions.  

A total of nine valid ballots were cast in the referendum. Of those, all nine producers voted yes representing 277,337.71 hundredweight.

For renewal of the program more than 50 percent of the voting producers, representing more than 50 percent of the pounds sold by those voting, must have approved it.

Source: Michigan Dept. of Agriculture & Rural Development