Measure to Improve Supports SQFI on new SQF Sustainability Addendum for Integrated Pest Management

SALINAS, CA – Measure to Improve, the fresh produce industry’s go-to sustainability experts, is excited to announce the collaboration with SQFI on a new SQF Sustainability Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Addendum for Pollinator Protection that can be used alongside the SQF Food Safety Code: Primary Plant Production for certification. This collaboration demonstrates Measure to Improve’s and SQFI’s leadership in finding collaborative solutions to promote sustainable agriculture, protect essential pollinators, and help growers incorporate emerging IPM demands with existing food safety structures they are already familiar with.

Pollinators, including insects and animals, are critical to our sustainable food system. According to the USDA, about one-third of global crop production relies on these pollinators. Protecting them from environmental harm is a growing concern among consumers, government institutions, NGOs, and food retailers. By practicing IPM, growers aim to understand natural agroecosystem functions, reduce inputs, and promote environments where people, crops, pollinators, and beneficial species can thrive. 

IPM is an essential systems-based approach that aims to balance pest control with the health of the environment and pollinators. IPM encompasses a variety of tools and techniques, including biological, physical, and chemical controls, and aims to use the least harmful methods available. The new SQFI IPM Sustainability Addendum supports this approach and encourages responsible pesticide use.

In response to retailer demands, including those from Walmart and Kroger, Measure to Improve has taken a leadership role in providing technical expertise to SQFI to develop the IPM Sustainability Addendum. This addendum, benchmarked by the IPM Institute and accepted by many retailers, including Walmart, assists farms in implementing progressive and economically beneficial practices within their food safety systems. Success in implementation is evaluated during the annual SQF food safety certification audit.

Key Highlights of the SQF Sustainability Integrated Pest Management Addendum for Pollinator Protection Addendum:

  • Supports a system that utilizes various pest control methods, including biological, physical, and chemical controls, prioritizing those with the least adverse impact.
  • Promotes deep knowledge of farm agroecosystem functions to ensure precise application of control methods, protecting both pollinators and beneficial organisms in the cropping system and surrounding environment.
  • Encourages the use of consultants and experts to enhance IPM program efficacy and understand and adhere to applicable regulations.
  • Approved by Walmart – Walmart requires produced suppliers to implement certain sustainability initiatives, including integrated pest management (IPM) for the protection of pollinators and the critical role they play in a sustainable food system. Suppliers must achieve certification to Walmart-approved programs to meet this requirement. The SQF auditor uses the addendum during the food safety audit visit to verify practices implemented on the farm.

“Measure to Improve is dedicated to advancing sustainable agriculture, and that often comes out of collaborative efforts. This partnership with SQFI is a perfect example of two organizations using their strengths to create something that benefits and keeps the industry proactive on an emerging demand,” said Nikki Cossio, Founder and CEO of Measure to Improve.

About Measure to Improve:

Founded in 2014, Measure to Improve’s (MTI) mission is to help produce companies measure, improve, and credibly promote their sustainability efforts. Our clients include produce growers, packers, shippers, and industry associations. MTI emphasizes the need to address sustainability holistically, using a triple-bottom-line approach that encourages companies to consider their environmental impact, social practices, and the long-term economic viability of their operation. Our staff has a proven track record of identifying and implementing strategies that increase sustainability and are in line with the client’s corporate culture and strategy. MTI supports clients in setting ambitious but attainable sustainability goals and encourages progress that can be validated and marketed. Project topics include water, energy, IPM, greenhouse gas emissions, regenerative agriculture, waste, and social accountability.

About The Safe Quality Food Institute:

The Safe Quality Food (SQF) program is hosted by SQFI – Safe Quality Food Institute, a division of FMI, The Food Industry Association. FMI administers the SQF program, a leading, global food safety and quality certification and management system. While SQFI is most known for its globally benchmarked food safety and quality program, the SQFI team does much more than writing and maintaining this standard. The SQFI mission is to deliver consistent, globally recognized food safety and quality certification programs that are based on sound scientific principles, applied across all industry sectors, and valued by all stakeholders. The SQFI Program is a rigorous and credible food safety and quality management program recognized by retailers, brand owners, and food service providers world-wide. Members of the press may contact