Wenatchee, WA – Looking for the perfect way to promote Valentine's Day and American Heart Month at the same time? Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers has just the ticket with its “Love Your Heart!” campaign featuring “Red Diamond” brand Red Anjou pears and “Starr Ranch” brand Red Delicious apples.
OSRG Director of Marketing Scott Marboe said supplies and quality are excellent in both items, which are available in high-graphic 3-pound pouch bags and in traditional traypacks and poly bags.
Mildly sweet and crunchy, Red Delicious apples have long been America's sweetheart snack. Too, they are nutritional powerhouses, with just 130 calories per large apple. Apples are fat-, sodium- and cholesterol-free, are good sources of vitamin C and excellent sources of fiber.
Sweet and mellow, the Red Anjou is a great all-round pear, juicy and ideal for out-of-hand snacking but also a wonderful addition to any number of menu items. Slice it into fresh salads or grate it into pancakes for a burst of flavor.
Pears pack a nutritional punch as well. With 100 calories per serving, they are a good source of vitamin C, an excellent source of fiber and are free of sodium, fat and cholesterol.
In its “28 Days of Apples,” USA Apples has released information touting the benefits of apple consumption, noting “… an Ohio State University study found that eating an apple for four weeks lowered blood levels of oxidized LDL by 40 percent.” LDL is the bad cholesterol tied to heart disease. In addition, USA Apples cites research showing “for every 10 grams of fiber consumed per day, the risk of developing heart disease may decrease 14 percent, and the risk of dying from heart disease may decrease 27 percent.”
Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers has partnered with USA Apples on the popular 28-day spotlight, which last year reached more than 15 million consumers. As the association's campaign and OSRG's individual promotions run throughout February, both will post tips and facts each day on their Facebook and Twitter pages, keeping fresh fruit and heart health top-of-mind for friends and followers.
What else could a heart ask for – except, maybe dark chocolate? That, of course, pairs beautifully with Red Delicious apples and Red Anjou pears from Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers.
Founded in the heart of Washington’s apple country in 1934,Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers is a leading fruit grower, packer and shipper that provides its domestic and international customers with quality apples, pears, cherries, stone fruit, grapes and citrus. Visit us on line at www.oneonta.com and www.facebook.com/oneonta.
Source: Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers