Intergrow Greenhouses Breaks Ground On 18-Acre Expansion

Intergrow Greenhouses Inc. is currently expanding with an 18 acre addition to the existing 30 acres of greenhouse located in Albion, NY. The expansion started in September and plans to be complete by summer 2011 with first planting in August 2011 and harvesting in October 2011. In addition to 18 new acres of greenhouse, Intergrow will also be adding a new pack-house, irrigation pond, and additional office space. To continue their advancement in greenhouse technology, Intergrow will also be the first commercial greenhouse to utilize HortiFuse glass. This specialized glass allows for optimum PAR light distribution.

Sales & Marketing Manager Kris Gibson added,”With an additional 18 acres of greenhouse we can continue to stager out planting dates to provide more tomatoes year round to our customers”. Once complete, Intergrow will have 48 acres of greenhouse growing red, yellow, orange, and roma tomatoes on-the-vine, as well as cocktail tomatoes.

Intergrow Greenhouses Inc. is a greenhouse tomato producer in New York State located along the shores of Lake Ontario. Founded in 1998, Intergrow ships across the North East and Midwest with their own fleet of reefer trailers, reducing food miles for retailers and distributors. Intergrow’s operation is one of the most sustainable in the business. With an almost entirely closed irrigation system, the greenhouse uses rainwater to irrigate the plants and biomass fuel to heat the greenhouse that has a double curtain system, reducing heat demand to a minimum.

Source: Intergrow Greenhouses Inc.