Innovation in Action: New Partnerships Push Walmart’s Supply Chain to the Cutting Edge

A supply chain the size of Walmart’s is less linear than its name implies. It’s more similar to a web: Each connective point, each alternate route to the center, makes the web stronger.

Comprising the web are people and products. Each new point strengthens the web, and progress relies on Walmart’s sourcing team, whose search for innovative approaches to supply chain improvements – and ultimately the customer experience – leads them to more than 100 countries around the world.

In India, Walmart is working alongside an agritech startup to pilot a creative solution to food waste, which will help bring better, fresher products to the customer while giving us the ability to source fresh produce from totally new countries of origin. All this serves a greater goal: augmenting the supply chain and creating more sustainable alternatives for customers everywhere. We all win.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Walmart