I Love Produce Takes Part In 'China Garlic 2016' Conference

Globally, China is the most important garlic producer, exporter and consumer, with their annual production and exports comprising over 70% of the world’s total.

2015 was the highest priced garlic market on record, so I Love Produce’s management team went to China to gain a better understanding of the new crop and take part in “CHINA GARLIC 2016” Jining City, Jinxiang County, Shandong Province, known as the “Garlic Capital” of China.

The event was sponsored by the China Chamber of Commerce from the 16th to the 18th of June. The sub-chamber for garlic is comprised of 200 members and includes garlic businesses around the country, with other invited garlic experts and scholars to discuss their latest views on garlic production and markets.

Neil Millman, CEO of I Love Produce attended the event, along with his 16 year-old son Joe Millman. “The conference helped me gain critical first-hand insights into the upcoming garlic season which is going to help prepare I Love Produce for the next 12 months”, said Millman. “I Love Produce was the only company represented from the United States at the conference, but luckily I had representatives from the I Love Produce team in China to help translate the information that was presented”.

A few major points about the garlic market discussed were:

1. 2015 was a record year for Chinese garlic exports, with the price up about 23% over 2014, while the volume of exports has also steadily increased over the last 4 years.

2. The total planting area in China increased by 8 to 10% for 2016 over 2015, but due to a very cold winter, yields were reduced by 10 to 15%. Overall, the crop will be reduced by about 5%, not as significantly as originally thought. Also on the plus side is the garlic that did survive the cold winter will be very hearty for long-term storage.

3. The bulb size is down for the 2016 crop, and because garlic stocks left over from 2015’s cold storage are nearly depleted, the garlic market will remain firm heading into the harvest, with an overall stronger than normal garlic market anticipated for 2016.

In order to ensure their customer’s supply, I Love Produce will be working with all garlic production areas in 2016, including China, California, Spain, Argentina and Mexico.

For more information contact:

Contact: Jim Provost, President
I Love Produce, LLC.
West Grove, PA
Phone: 610-869-4664

Source: I Love Produce, LLC