Fyffes Honduras Melon Producer Granted Fair Trade USA Certification

CHOLUTECA, Honduras — Sur Agrícola de Honduras (Suragroh), a Honduran division of Irish produce company Fyffes, has received Fair Trade certification from Fair Trade USA, a non-profit organization that sets standards, certifies and labels products that promote sustainable livelihoods for farmers and workers, and protect the environment. Criteria for gaining certification include safe, healthy working conditions, transparency, sustainable production and respect for biodiversity. Additionally, Fair Trade enables farm workers to directly earn an additional financial premium, which is used democratically to address pressing community needs.

"We are proud to partner with Fyffes as they work to earn Fair Trade certification for their Honduran melons," Nathalie Marin Gest, Director of Produce & Floral at Fair Trade USA, said in the release. "We are excited to help bring this product to market, further empowering Suragroh's farm workers to build sustainable livelihoods for their families and communities."

The certification process included an in-depth Fair Trade assessment, as well as a rigorous Fair Trade audit by a reputable third-party auditor. Suragroh's Internal Management System establishes guidelines for implementing and monitoring agricultural production standards at its farms, which export more than three million boxes of melons to the US market each year, making it an important supplier for US consumers.

Suragroh has received other important certifications, including PrimusGFSI regarding food safety and C-TPAT on risk assessment. It has also undergone Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audits (SMETA) on employment and environmental standards. Additionally, Suragroh complies with a variety of customer-mandated standards.

"As responsible corporate citizens, Suragroh and Fyffes are committed to the wellbeing of workers and their communities through sustainable business practices, staying true to both companies' core values," said Enda Walsh, President of Fyffes Inc. "Fair Trade USA certification is yet another recognition of Suragroh's best practices and should further strengthen the company's customer relationships, allowing US consumers to continue enjoying high-quality Honduran melons produced sustainably."

About Us

Fyffes Limited is a leading international importer and distributor of quality tropical produce and mushrooms headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. Celebrating its 130th anniversary in 2018, Fyffes is the world's oldest fruit brand. Fyffes has trading, farming and export operations in Europe, North, Central and South America, with long established trading relationships with grower groups in Central and South America. The company's primary activities include production, procurement, shipping, ripening, distribution and marketing of bananas, pineapples, melons and mushrooms. A commitment to the principles of corporate responsibility is at the heart of the Fyffes brand, which has been recognized with numerous international certifications for best practices in social, environmental and general sustainability issues. Fyffes is the number 1 importer of bananas and the leading marketer of organic and Fairtrade bananas to Europe, as well as the importer with the world's highest number of Global G.A.P. certified production partners. Fyffes has been a subsidiary of Sumitomo Corporation since 2017. (www.fyffes.com)

Source: Fyffes Limited