Los Alamitos, CA – Hatch chiles from New Mexico return in August and Frieda’s Specialty Produce is ready to turn up the heat with a new 8/2-lb. retail pouch.
“These pouches help retailers reduce shrink and increase sell-through at the register,” said Alex Jackson Berkley of Frieda’s Specialty Produce. “With Hatch Chiles looking identical to Anaheim chiles, this bag will help retail buyers accurately track sales, and cashiers to accurately ring up product. Plus, the package educates shoppers on how to roast the chiles for ultimate flavor.”
Exclusively grown in the Mesilla Valley near the town of Hatch, New Mexico, and available fresh once a year, Hatch chiles are sought after by chile pepper fans everywhere for their zesty, bold flavor, especially when roasted over an open flame. Many retailers also host in-store chile-roasting events to build excitement and provide shoppers with an authentic New Mexico Hatch chile festival experience.
“August is the only time of year when Hatch chiles are available fresh for roasting, and serious Hatch chile fans go crazy for them,” said Berkley. “Frieda’s has organized in-store roasting events since 2011, and retailers see the Hatch chile halo effect through sales across all departments. Shoppers who buy fresh or roasted Hatch chiles will also pick up cheese, chips, and beer to enjoy with their chiles.”
“This is the perfect time to start planning for your Hatch program to increase summer sales,” said Berkley.
Weather is always a factor when it comes to Hatch chile supply.
“Our team just visited our partner growers in New Mexico last week and we learned that, while the recent heat wave affected the early crop, we are still on track for the August start,” said Allen DeMo, Director of Procurement and Sourcing at Frieda’s.
“The Hatch chile supply is looking good for the season,” he added.
Call Frieda’s team today to pre-book the ever-popular Hatch chiles, only from New Mexico and only for a limited time!
About Frieda’s Inc.
Frieda’s Specialty Produce has been inspiring new food experiences for friends, families, and food lovers everywhere since 1962. From kiwifruit and dragon fruit to Stokes Purple® sweet potatoes and habanero peppers, Frieda’s has introduced more than 200 unique fruits and vegetables to the U.S. marketplace. Founded by produce industry trailblazer Dr. Frieda Rapoport Caplan, subject of the 2015 documentary “Fear No Fruit,” the family company is owned and operated by Frieda’s daughters, Karen Caplan and Jackie Caplan Wiggins, in Orange County, California. Find Frieda’s on Facebook, @FriedasProduce, and Friedas.com. Inspire. Taste. Love.
Source: Frieda’s Inc.