Big Y looks to make raising healthy children easier with the launch of their Kid’s Fruit Club program, where any child 12 and under can select a free piece of fruit to enjoy during their family’s shopping experience at special displays in every Big Y Produce Department and their Fresh Acres Market.
Children’s nutrition has always been a key focus at Big Y, so this program is a natural extension of efforts already in place. According to Andrea Luttrell, RDN, LDN, Corporate Dietitian for Big Y, “When it comes to encouraging children to eat well, it truly takes a village. The Kid’s Fruit Club is an easy and effective way for parents to get their kids to eat more produce, which we know is linked to improved health throughout the lifespan.”
Current offerings of the Kid’s Fruit Club are bananas, clementines, apples and pears but may change based on seasonality and store availability. Watching the success of the Kid’s Fruit Club has been rewarding to Store Director Sam Chevalier, who helped pilot this initiative. "We're helping to create some great Big Y memories, as well as giving kids some healthy options."
Source: Big Y