FPAA Presents Its Spring Policy Summit – March 15-16, 2016

Nogales, Ariz. – In order to see the whole picture of a puzzle it’s necessary to interlace the pieces. These pieces are questions and players that take any part in the food industry of North America. With this in mind the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas looks forward to another exciting and informative event, the annual Spring Policy Summit on March 15-16, 2016.

“At the FPAA, we believe that being involved in the discussions that take place during the establishment and implementation of policies and norms, understanding their background, furthermore participating in the exchange of ideas, suggestions and concerns can only facilitate our overall comprehension and ease the path to compliance in the operations of our business,” said Lance Jungmeyer, president of FPAA.

For companies doing business between the U.S. and Mexico, the summit will answer the following questions:

  • How are Mexico and Canada responding to the new U.S. food safety regulations? How are these NAFTA countries aligning into the same path and working together to provide a secure food supply with solid systems to satisfy the needs of a growing population?
  • How can industry work together with U.S. authorities to facilitate and expedite cross-border trade, including infrastructure improvements and pre-clearance programs?
  • What are the threats and opportunities of the Trans Pacific Partnership?
  • How can the industry benefit from changes to banking regulations that will allow business to grow, yet still accomplish federal goals to stem illicit activities?

FPAA has invited all the association members as well as relevant players in these issues. Among those are: Mike Taylor, Deputy Commissioner for Foods of FDA; Enrique Sanchez Cruz, director in chief of SENASICA; Richard Aesenault, executive director of food systems of CFIA; Victor Mendez, deputy secretary of Federal DOT and John Halikowski, director of  AZDOT.

The summit begins on March 15 with a presentation on US-Mexico Produce Food Safety Working Group and an update on the Safe Food For Canadians Act. This is followed by a tour of two warehouses and a welcoming reception at the end of the day. Most of the discussions and working panels will take place on March 16 starting at 8:30 a.m. The Tubac Golf Resort and SPA will serve as a venue for all the scheduled meetings.

A preliminary agenda is attached to this press release. For updates, check the FPAA’s website: www.freshfrommexico.com

“This is an exciting and unique opportunity to voice our concerns and hear from the key players. We are looking forward to the participation of our members as we continue to pursue the strengthening of our industry each and everyone’s business and the economic growth of our community,” said Jungmeyer.

Source: Fresh Produce Association of the Americas