FDA Requests Input On Product Labeling

The FDA is seeking public comment on "ways to enhance the usefulness to consumers of point-of-purchase nutrition information" — meaning information on the front of food packages or info that might be displayed on shelf-tags in grocery stores. (They're not talking about the Nutrition Facts box on that back of packages to which many of us already refer.)

The agency wants data on whether we notice the things or not — and if we do, whether we understand what we're looking at; what display designs work best; whether a requirement to display such info might invite food companies to change the composition of their wares and more. Though a lot of the data the FDA wants will come from academics and the food industry, the agency also wants to hear from consumers at large.

The stated aim is to devise rules for such labeling that would make it easy for people to notice, understand and use labeling to make more healthful selections.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Los Angeles Times.