Long-time lettuce leader Enza Zaden is entrenching its position in the packaged lettuce category with significant investment in EazyLeaf, the brand’s one-cut lettuce. Traditionally a foodservice product that enables restaurants to wow diners with premium salads, the EazyLeaf market is expanding to include premium grocers, where discerning consumers are delighted by its look, taste, crunch and density.
All 16 EazyLeaf varieties are available in conventional and organic form, with organic distribution through Enza Zaden’s organic division, Vitalis Organic Seed. EazyLeaf offers excellent weight, premium shelf life, and strong yet flexible leaves for superior loft. Growers especially value the product’s excellent bolting tolerance, efficient mechanical harvesting, easy cutting, and high percentage of product usability. Consumers enjoy the visual appeal of uniformly-sized leaf shapes in a variety of colors, now including dark reds with high gloss.
“We’re highly committed to growth in this category, and we’re demonstrating that commitment through investment in diverse leaf types and colors, and the most comprehensive resistance packages available, including full mildew resistance and aphid resistance,” said Jaime Eltit, Sales Representative, Direct Team West, Enza Zaden.
Enza Zaden also differentiates itself through strong partnerships with customers. “To add value for our growers, we leverage our knowledgeable local sales team, our local production facility, and our international infrastructure,” said Nick Barnes, Direct Sales Manager, Enza Zaden.
EazyLeaf seed is processed and distributed through Enza Zaden’s 43,000 sq ft Salinas Valley facility. Superior seed production and distinct care taken throughout grading, priming and coating ensures a consistently fresh and available local inventory. Enza Zaden breeding stations in northwest France are responsible for the development of new EazyLeaf varieties. Close working relationships between sales and the breeders enables the global company to rapidly commercialize new varieties to meet unique grower needs.
More than 100 EazyLeaf varieties are currently in development. Watch for new varieties to be released annually.
Visit us at PMA Food Service in Monterey CA, booth#317.
About Enza Zaden: Enza Zaden is a global leader in vegetable seed breeding, with operations in 21 countries around the world. In the U.S., the company offers top breeding programs in more than 30 vegetables. The onion portfolio currently features 14 superior varieties, leveraging research from breeding stations in the U.S., Australia, New Zealand and Italy.
Source: Enza Zaden