Envy Apple Wins USApple's 2018 'Munch Madness' Tournament

Falls Church, Va. – The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) is proud to announce that the Envy™ apple is the winner of the 2018 Munch Madness Tournament for the second straight year. Garnering more than 30,000 website views on AppleVsApple.com, 3,000 votes and hundreds of social media followers, USApple’s Munch Madness was once again a fan favorite throughout the month of March.

“For its third year, Munch Madness provided consumers a fresh and creative opportunity to learn more about apples, all while connecting the roster of our top 16 varieties by sales to everyone’s favorite spring pastime of filling out college basketball brackets,” said Tracy Grondine, director of consumer health and media relations at USApple. “Congrats to Envy™ for its second consecutive win! No matter what your taste preference, there’s an apple for you.”

“We’re thrilled Envy™ has once again been chosen by U.S. consumers as their favorite apple,” said Darren Drury, executive general manager of T&G Global, which owns the trademark for Envy™. “We’re continuing to increase global production of this beautifully sweet and crunchy premium apple to keep up with the growing demand.”

The Munch Madness campaign celebrated the unique flavors and qualities of the 16 highest-selling apple varieties in the U.S., inspiring consumers to incorporate apples into their daily routines in new ways. The bracket also included a flavor profile, health benefits and recipe suggestions for each apple variety, encouraging fans to learn about the subtle differences among the most popular apple varieties. 

Similar to college basketball tournament brackets, each apple variety was ranked 1-16 and seeded into an interactive online bracket. The highest-ranked seed matched up against the lowest-ranked seed, second-highest versus second-lowest, and so on. Apple fans voted for their favorite varieties in four weekly rounds of matchups: The Vitamin-C Sixteen, The Edible Eight, The Fiber Four and The National Chomp-ionship.

About U.S. Apple

U.S. Apple Association is the national trade association representing all segments of the apple industry. Members include 40 state and regional associations representing the 7,500 apple growers throughout the country, as well as more than 400 individual firms involved in the apple business. More information on the organization is available at USApple.org.

Source: U.S. Apple Association