Elevating the Table Grape Experience: Consumers Reveal they Would Spend More if They Knew About the Variety of Flavours That Exist 

In grocery stores around the world, a sleeping giant lies in wait. The humble grape is not just one of the world’s tastiest fruits but one of consumers’ favorite healthy snacks. And that is before people truly realize how exciting and varied this fruit can be. New findings from a survey entitled Building Value Through Grape Varieties are shedding light on this potential, revealing consumers’ growing appetite for premium table grapes that promise not just flavor, but an elevated sensation. Consumers’ willingness to spend more on premium table grapes is indicative of a trend we are seeing across all food and drink categories. Shoppers are willing to pay a premium for products that offer something different in terms of taste or experience. There is huge power in those small moments of joy that can be found when discovering something new in such a familiar category.  

The findings also found that 70% of the participants ate grapes at least once a week or more and 57% of them say it’s their favorite thing to snack on. Table grapes are valued for their convenience, snackability, and long shelf life, however this desire for a sensory adventure has led to the rise of branded varietals that promise unique flavor profiles. How can we as an industry answer this response? The answer lies in unlocking the magic of this category and opening up consumers’ horizons to the variety that exists. 

There are already pockets of success with this approach, such as with Cotton Candy™. What sets this branded varietal apart is the promise it holds within a distinct name and differentiated packaging and proposition. And most importantly, the fact that it delivers on that promise with an exceptional taste. As soon as consumers read the name they are intrigued, excited and enticed to try it with the name evoking some of the happiest memories from their childhood. But the real joy lies in the eating experience that does amazingly, and naturally, taste like Cotton Candy. We can’t forget that with any food product, taste is always going to be the number one purchase driver.  

Another key takeaway is the growing importance of awareness and education. Consumers have so many more sources of information these days and are often looking to social media to learn more about seasonal availability, new taste characteristics and flavors. This thirst for knowledge presents a significant opportunity for the table grape industry to collaborate and provide consumers with direct information on the type of grapes they are purchasing, both in-store and online and make it easier for them to find their favorite varieties in season. 

As tastes in produce become more sophisticated, it’s vital that table grapes evolve beyond the generic-colored options and offer consumers new and different ways to shop the category. You only have to look to our cousins in the wine industry to see how sophisticated the shopper can get. However, taste and variety are not the only critical factors in a shopper’s purchase decision with freshness and quality key in consumer decision-making. Table grapes are valued not just for their taste but also for their texture, look, snackability and long shelf life. Consumers are willing to pay more for grapes that not only taste great but also remain fresh for longer durations, providing value beyond the initial purchase. 

Retailers play a crucial role in this narrative, acting as conduits between consumers and growers. By providing clear information on packaging and simplifying the flavor categorization process, retailers empower consumers to make informed choices. This transparency ultimately leads to a more enriched shopping experience and higher consumer satisfaction. 

The era of generic grapes is giving way to a new era of premium, branded varietals that offer consumers a clear indication of what they are purchasing, and why the increase in price. With a focus on taste, innovation, sustainability, and consumer education, the table grape industry is poised for growth —one bite at a time.