Newark, DE. and Washington, D.C. – Every produce marketer has their eyes – and their marketing – focused on the consumer. One industry conference has that same focus – The Consumer Connection Conference, brought to you by the Foundation for Fresh Produce (FFP). This year’s event is April 29 – May 1 in Phoenix, Ariz.
“This conference helps our industry make a difference – communicating the appeal of fruits and vegetables to boost sales and consumption,” said Alex DiNovo, president of DNO Produce and FFP chair. “Only at this event do attendees meet the people impacting consumer food choices every single day.”
“This curated conference ensures participants who reach consumers in different ways learn and have the deep conversations necessary to have an impact.” said Lauren M. Scott, IFPA Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Director of The Foundation for Fresh Produce. “That vital purpose is wrapped in a high-energy, food-forward fete. We get business done while having fun.”
Attendees will meet the people who directly interact with consumers. Speakers and spark sessions are laser-focused on the consumer – what they think, how they feel, and how to reach them better.
“That’s what’s unique about this conference,” DiNovo said. “Not only do participants get the latest on consumer trends and behavior, they spend time with the people consumers turn to for food advice – the lifestyle, nutrition, and agriculture communicators as well as retail dietitians and foodservice tastemakers. Attendees learn from the experts and from the front line of food communicators.”
“This year’s conference builds on previous events,” Scott said. “Those who’ve attended before know it’s full of rich insights, inspiration, and impact. Those who haven’t come before can count on expanding their knowledge of consumer behavior and strengthening the positive influence they can play in consumers’ lives.”
As part of the foundation’s portfolio, The Consumer Connection Conference exists to move FFP’s goals forward – to boost the appeal of and access to fruits and vegetables.
“The foundation has an ambitious mission – to change the trajectory of human health and solve many of the world’s nutrition and hunger challenges,” DiNovo said. “We do that through strategic alliances and connections, including connections with day-to-day food influencers.”
Registration for The Consumer Connection Conference is open. Seats are limited, so anyone interested in a freshproduce.orgdeeper understanding of consumer outreach should register soon.
About the International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA)
The International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) is the largest and most diverse international association serving the entire fresh produce and floral supply chain and the only to seamlessly integrate world-facing advocacy and industry-facing support. We exist to bring the industry together to create a vibrant future for all. We grow our member’s prosperity by conducting advocacy; connecting people and ideas; and offering guidance that allows us all to take action with purpose and confidence.