Comment Period On PACA Rule Extended For 30 Days

After receiving preliminary comments from United Fresh and other industry trade groups, USDA has signaled via an announcement published in today’s Federal Register that it will reopen and extend for 30 days the comment period on the proposed rule addressing post-default agreements on PACA Trust Protection Eligibility. This issue has been the subject of recent court decisions and USDA is seeking industry comments.

Now that the comment period is reopened, produce companies have an additional 30 days to explain and provide feedback about how the proposed rule will impact their business. Comments are due to USDA by September 22, and can be submitted on-line or through the mail. More information can be found in the announcement.

Last Wednesday, August 18, United Fresh organized a webinar to educate the industry about the proposed rule. The PowerPoint slides from the webinar are available on the United Fresh website. Also, available on the website are United's draft technical comments on the USDA proposed rule, a sample letter that industry members can use to draft their own comments, and general background information and a briefing paper on the proposed PACA Trust regulations.

After the original proposed rule was published on June 8, United Fresh’s Government Relations Council approved the establishment of a PACA Trust Working Group to analyze the proposed rule and provide recommendations back to the industry. The Working Group is comprised of representatives from all sectors of the produce industry. In addition, United Fresh organized a letter from 19 allied produce organizations serving on United’s Government Relations Council, asking for USDA to extend the comment period given the new rule’s potential to significantly impact businesses practices. USDA heeded this request, and the comment period has now been extended.

Source: United Fresh Produce Association