Call For Applications: Tip Murphy Scholarship Helps Develop Young Professionals

Newark, Del. – Center for Growing Talent (CGT) is accepting applications from young professionals through Nov. 16 for the Tip Murphy Scholarship for Leadership Excellence. Two scholarships will be awarded to help young professionals advance their careers by undertaking leadership development training. 

This is the tenth year of the scholarship program named after the late Terence “Tip” Murphy, a beloved industry leader who was passionate about supporting young people in the industry. A committed industry advocate, he volunteered on Produce Marketing Association’s (PMA) Board of Directors and on the association’s former retail board. The scholarship in his honor covers the cost of registration for recipients to attend a CGT leadership development program or a major PMA event, including CGT’s Emerging Leaders Program or Women’s Fresh Perspectives Conference, PMA’s Fresh Summit Convention & Expo or PMA’s Foodservice Conference & Expo.

“Young leaders are the future of our industry. The Tip Murphy scholarship program not only helps young professionals to invest in and advance their careers by undertaking leadership training, it also helps their companies to invest in their future and the industry’s long-term sustainability,” said Center for Growing Talent Vice President Talent Portfolio Alicia Calhoun. “That’s a win for everyone.”

By applying for the scholarship and the opportunity to develop their leadership skills, young professionals can demonstrate their personal drive and professional commitment to their company and the industry, added Calhoun.

2017 scholarship recipient Katy Classon, sales manager with Wholesum Berries, Amado, Arizona, chose to attend CGT’s Emerging Leaders Program (ELP). “Thanks to the Tip Murphy scholarship and my experience at ELP, I’ve become a more effective and confident leader. I’ve improved my financial and analytical skills, and now work with increased ease across departments. That has pushed my own and my team’s creativity, perspective and effectiveness,” she said.

Jason Thornton, produce specialist with Nicholas and Company, Salt Lake City, also received a 2017 scholarship and chose to attend ELP. “The program has absolutely contributed to my personal and professional successes, and I highly recommend this to any young leader in our exciting industry,” he said.  “What continues to resonate with me months after the program is how to think more strategically and to balance the vision of the future with realities of today.”

Eligible scholarship candidates can come from any segment of the produce or floral supply chain, must have been employed in the industry for a minimum of three years, and be able to demonstrate character and leadership with a desire to make a meaningful contribution to the industry. They also must agree to speak at CGT activities about their scholarship and development experience.

The Tip Murphy scholarship program is one way that Center for Growing Talent fulfills the “Develop” part of its mission, which is to provide industry-specific solutions to attract, develop and retain talent. CGT also provides leadership development programming across the career continuum, from young professionals to senior executives and women. CGT also hosts in-person networking events for young professionals at industry events including Fresh Summit.

To learn more about and to apply for the Tip Murphy Scholarship for Leadership Excellence, visit Applications must be received by Nov. 16.

About Center for Growing Talent

Center for Growing Talent (CGT) was created by the produce and floral industry to grow the people across our industry. We help attract, develop and retain the talent needed to feed our industry’s growth, including educational programming and networking events. We offer a variety of industry-specific solutions across the career continuum, for university students, young professionals, women, emerging leaders, mid-level individuals and senior executives. For more information, visit

Source: Center for Growing Talent