The 11th annual Summer barbecue at California Giant Berry Farms did not disappoint as the staff rolled up their sleeves on July 18 to serve lunch to friends throughout the community. Skirt steak was the maindish for over 1000 lunches either eaten on premises or taken to go back to their offices in town. For $12.00 guests had a full lunch of skirt steak, garlic bread, salad, fruit and homemade dessert.
This annual fundraiser continues to amaze the staff at how the community comes together each year to support this cause. The BBQ was lit by 8AM and lunches started moving out the front door by 11AM as friends gathered in the parking lot prepared to wait in line for a delicious fresh meal made by the California Giant Staff. Over the years, donations have increased as well as those stepping up to donate most of the food which allows almost 100% of the proceeds going directly to local charities.
This year friends from Markon, Watsonville Coast Produce, Custom Produce, Pacific Cookie Company, Titan, and Norcal/Planasa all donated to offset costs. Community Tree Service provided fire wood for the barbecue which created a fabulous smell throughout the neighborhood drawing even more customers in to purchase lunch.
‘We are all humbled by just how supportive the community of Watsonville is when 1000 people all take the time to share in the opportunity to give back’ says Bill Moncovich, CEO/President of California Giant. Many that were not able to attend bought lunches and asked for them to be donated, which allowed the staff to deliver over 200 meals to Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes. Each f the charitable organizations was on hand to help with the event, visit with guests and enjoy a little lunch at the picnic tables throughout the parking lot. California Giant owners will match the total proceeds generated which will be passed on to the eight non-profits.
Recipients of the proceeds are:
- CASA of Santa Cruz County
- Digital Nest
- Grind out Hunger
- Jacob’s Heart
- Monarch Services
- Pajaro Valley Shelter Services
- Teen Kitchen Project
- Watsonville Senior Center
Source: California Giant Berry Farms