California Avocado Month Promotion Reaches Millions

IRVINE, Calif.  – Consumer advertising, public relations and social media programs implemented by the California Avocado Commission (CAC) formed an integrated “California Avocado Month” promotion in June. CAC engaged a cadre of chefs, registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs), bloggers and other influencers to support the month-long celebration.

“June 2016 was the fourth anniversary of California Avocado Month, which is timed for peak California crop availability,” said Jan DeLyser, CAC vice president marketing. “Our marketing activities throughout the month were designed to communicate California avocado seasonality as well as to encourage consumer demand.”

CAC’s advertising included content sponsorship with the popular “foodie” website Food 52, reaching more than 15 million impressions. Food 52 shared a steady stream of California avocado recipes, nutrition information and photos throughout the entire month of June. The campaign launched with a video highlighting “5 Ways to Eat Avocados all Day.” The video received more than 65,000 views on Instagram, was posted on Facebook and featured unique California avocado recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack time and dessert. Food 52 also conducted a popular consumer recipe contest supporting California Avocado Month.

Renowned chef Jessica Koslow of Sqirl, a Los Angeles-based restaurant known for locally grown and seasonal ingredients, championed California Avocado Month by creating new recipes for the Commission, including Crispy Potatoes with California Avocado Aioli and the Famous Damus Breakfast Sandwich, a popular menu item named for a Sqirl patron. CAC featured these recipes in a national press release and on

Valley Center California avocado growers Mike Sanders and Chris Ambuul supported California Avocado Month by hosting a “Dinner en Green” in their Rancho Santo Tomas avocado grove. The growers led San Diego-based bloggers and RDNs on a tour of the grove. A spectacular dinner in the grove created by chef Trey Foshee of George’s at the Cove and Galaxy Taco, located in San Diego County, CA followed. California avocados were featured in every course. RDN Katie Ferraro added value to the event by contributing a post on CAC’s The Scoop blog, highlighting the care local avocado growers take with the crop and showcasing the fruit’s versatility.

California avocado versatility was a communication point for CAC, who jumped on the current avocado ice cream trend as part of California Avocado Month. Media RDN Trish O'Keefe created dairy-free and gluten-free Avocado Mint Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches and featured them on her popular blog, Dish by Trish. Chef Koslow’s recipe for California Avocado Cardamom Ice Cream was featured in the press release and available throughout June at all three California Salt & Straw ice creamery locations.

The Commission promoted California Avocado Month to its fans via email, on its social media channels and worked with bloggers and other social media influencers to promote the celebration using the hashtag #CAAvocadoMonth. CAC’s blogger ambassadors kicked it into high gear, promoting produce-rich recipes that are great for summer and showcase California avocados. Highlights include an Avocado Caprese Pasta Salad by I Wash You Dry, Avocado Beet and Carrot Salad Wraps by A Southern Fairytale and Cauliflower Rice Bowl with Chili Lime Chicken and California Avocado by Dine and Dish.

“We are pleased with the integration across all of our marketing programs resulting in a successful California Avocado Month promotional period,” said DeLyser.

About the California Avocado Commission

Created in 1978, the California Avocado Commission strives to increase demand for California avocados through advertising, promotion and public relations, and engages in related industry activities that benefit the state’s nearly 4,000 avocado growers. The California Avocado Commission serves as the official information source for California avocados and the California avocado industry. For nutrition information and recipes visit, or join us on Facebook at and @CA_Avocados on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for updates.

Photo credit: California Avocado Commission

Source: California Avocado Commission