Cabbage Growers Looking For Processor

You can't make sauerkraut without cabbage, but some cabbage growers are finding it's hard to sell cabbage without a sauerkraut company willing to buy it. 

The Fremont Company has been closed since a fatal roof collapse July 7, and local cabbage farmers are unable to find anyone else to buy the acres of cabbage ready for harvest.

About half the crop in the 50-acre cabbage field owned by L and M Farms Inc. in Riley Township is already past its prime, grower Lynn Martin said, and more is expected to go bad if the Fremont Company doesn't start buying the crop soon.

"We have a crop that needs to have something done with it," Martin said. "We will lose more every week."

Since L and M Farms also grows corn and soybeans, cabbage accounts for only about 10 percent of their annual income, but Martin said it still hurts to see the crops go bad.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Marion Star (Ohio).