Bridges Produce Cranberry Program Now Branded As Patience Fruit & Co.

This Fall, Bridges Produce will debut a new label in the US for the fresh organic cranberries from Patience Fruit & Co. This new label, "Patience," was chosen to reflect the belief that doing things the right way is better than rushing through them. Growing cranberries organically takes more effort, more thoughtfulness, more respect for nature, but the results are worth it.

The relationship between Patience, formerly known as Fruit d'Or, and Bridges Produce began over sixteen years ago and has evolved as the companies and the organic market has grown.  During the 2014 season Bridges became the exclusive fresh sales representative for Fruit d'Or in the US, selling 8oz. bags and 7.5oz clams. The following season they debuted a 12 oz. poly bag, a size that is in high demand for use in many recipes. For the 2016 fresh cranberry season, all pack styles and sizes will be branded as Patience Fruit & Co.

The group of Quebec growers practice organic farming to minimize their ecological footprint. They believe in working with nature and following its rhythms rather than trying to work against it.  For example, they use a “closed circuit” water system where rainwater and melted snow are collected in a drainage basin and used to irrigate the fields and flood them for harvesting. They also rely on 6 million bees to help pollinate the cranberry plants. Growing organically is not the easiest way but yields the best results.

Their superior quality fruit as well as their sustainable growing practices make Bridges so pleased to continue their partnership with Patience Fruit & Co.  This year the pack styles Bridges will offer include 12oz. and 8oz. poly bags, 7.5 oz. clams, and a 22lb bulk box. They will be available to ship from Los Angeles and New Jersey October through December. Patience Fruit & Co. also has a line organic dried cranberries, dried mixed berries and artisan blends available as well.

For more information regarding fresh organic cranberries contact Bridges Produce at: 503-235-7333

For more information regarding dried organic cranberries contact Steve Warnert at:

Source: Bridges Produce