Oxnard – CA – As strawberry season begins to unfold here in California, so does the beginning of volunteer season by the Bobalu staff. Typically, volunteering is done without much fanfare, just because it is the right thing to do.
However, this year Anthony Gallino made the front page of the Monterey Herald for his work behind the scenes.
Gallino has been volunteering for years to support the Monterey Peninsula Foundation and has recruited several friends and other staff join in and to support this very worthy cause. The foundation is
responsible for staging the annual AT&T Pro-Am Golf Tournament in Pebble Beach every year with proceeds benefitting non-profit organizations throughout three counties.
The Herald article https://www.montereyherald.com/2022/01/29/att-pro-am-volunteer-works-behind-the-scenes-to-serve-tournament-caddies/ details the hard work put in by Gallino
along with other volunteers each year and shows the commitment he makes to the point of stepping in and actually serving as a caddie one year.
Bobalu, LLC is proud of all their staff for the commitment in volunteering to support those in need. Last month, Annette Baietti, Controller for the company organized the staff to support
Ventura County Foodshare, a member of Feeding America, and they competed in a holiday Can-Tree decorating event in downtown Oxnard. The staff collected canned goods from family and friends
and built two large holiday ‘Can-Trees’ in a community competition to support those in need with all the decorated canned goods being distributed by Food Share as part of their annual
holiday food drive. This was the 10th year the event was held and the Bobalu staff has enjoyed participating for two main reasons; to give back during the holiday season, and to maintain a sense of community within the company.
Community giving by staff continues to inspire the managing partners each year with taking free time to help those in need. It was only fitting to commemorate the company 60-year anniversary
this year with the Jones family launching an annual scholarship program that will continue to give back to the community long into the future, grateful for the support of Bobalu, LLC for 60 years.