Avocados From Mexico Execute Extensive Marketing Program

Los Angeles, CA (January 11, 2010) The Avocado Producers and Exporting Packers Association of Michoacn (APEAM) are projecting that more than 92 million pounds of Avocados from Mexico will reach the US market in the first 5 weeks of 2010. To support volume and build demand, Avocados from Mexico is promoting heavily and offering retailers merchandising support to keep movement strong throughout the first quarter of the new year.

Promotable volume in desired sizes and the proximity of the growing region to the US market is what makes Mexico the preferred source for fresh avocados during the Super Bowl season, said Emiliano Escobedo, APEAMs Marketing Director. Avocados and guacamole are now synonymous with the Super Bowl making this the ideal time for Avocados from Mexico to build market demand and support retailers through marketing and merchandising efforts.

For three weeks leading up to the big game, Avocados from Mexico will be airing TV and radio spots targeting General Market consumers and Hispanics in Chicago, Houston, Dallas and San Antonio as well as on the Internet. Moreover, Avocados from Mexico will be advertised in the top national magazines targeting women shoppers who seek a healthy start to the new year. (The new TV and radio spots promoting avocados from Mexico can be viewed at www.avocadosfrommexico.com/trade)

In addition, starting the week before Super Bowl weekend through April, in store advertising utilizing floor talkers will be automatically installed in front of the avocado displays in 18 Chicago and East Coast retail chains.

Additionally, retailers can tie into major sales increases during football playoffs and Super Bowl by giving customers free recipes from Bravo’s Top Chef Master Rick Bayless. Avocados from Mexico is offering a variety of free POS materials on their website for retailers to order as needed, including a new avocado secondary display bin, which provides opportunities for cross merchandising avocados from Mexico with other complimentary items for big game parties such as chips, beer or salsa.

Historically avocado sales and volume index higher during the month of January. Last year 60% of avocado retail volume was sold on promotion during the 2 weeks preceding the Super Bowl.

In order to gain insights on best practices for promotions, APEAM contracted with the Perishables Group and found that increased promotions equal increased profits. To maximize sales in developed avocado markets, retailers should promote Avocados from Mexico as follows:

Promote avocados consistently 30 to 40 times per year in developed markets to provide optimal category dollars and volume

Run promotion discounts from 11% to 30% to optimize dollars and volume

Occasionally feature multiple avocado items in the same promotion, including bulk and packaged avocados. This can include small along with large sized avocados at different price points

Whenever possible combine circular promotions with in-store price reductions

Stock and promote key sizes to give customers optionsLarge (4225) and Small (4046) sizes represent 85% of sales.

Source: APEAM