Arctic® Fuji is poised to follow in the footsteps of OSF’s first distinctly nonbrowning apple varieties, Arctic® Golden and Arctic® Granny, which were approved for commercial sale in February 2015. On December 31st, OSF formally submitted a petition to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) requesting the deregulation of the next nonbrowning variety – Arctic® Fuji.
Developed using the same innovative techniques as other Arctic® apple varieties, Arctic® Fuji apples have been grown and tested in field trial orchards for over a decade. The petition being reviewed by the USDA contains substantial data collected over many years that demonstrates the safety and healthfulness of Arctic® Fujis, and we are extremely confident that they will be granted approval in a timely manner.
Considering regulatory agencies are now familiar with the science behind our Arctic® apple varieties (namely, our method of silencing polyphenol oxidase, the enzyme that initiates browning), we anticipate that the review of Arctic® Fuji will progress more quickly than for Arctic® Golden and Arctic® Granny varieties. After all, Arctic® apples have no meaningful differences from their conventional counterparts, besides their nonbrowning trait that gives them the Arctic Advantage™ of course!
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Okanagan Specialty Fruits