At the Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF), our goal is to provide real and honest information about fruit and vegetable farming so consumers can make the right shopping choices for themselves and their families. While we would love to further advance this goal by having every curious consumer tour our farms and fields to reassure them about produce safety, that obviously isn’t feasible.
What we can do is bring health and nutrition writers to our farms so they can see firsthand the care and commitment of farmers and farming companies and share what they have learned directly with consumers.
This year, our fourth “Facts Not Fear” Produce Safety Media tour was held in the Pacific Northwest and included Toby Amidor, Jenna Braddock, Cara Harbstreet, Meme Inge, Christine Rosenbloom, Elizabeth Ward, Dana White and Kathleen Zelman. Our guests are contributors to Food Network, Washington Post, Today’s Dietitian, Shape Magazine, U.S. News and World Report, Good Morning America, CNN, WebMD, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Glamour, Health Magazine, LA Times and Prevention, among others.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Alliance for Food and Farming