Vilsack: Congress Has Not Found Way To Fix Meat Labeling Rule

The impetus is on Congress to make changes to a law requiring meat products to carry country-of-origin labeling, the country's top agricultural chief said Monday.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack told members of the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation that his department has explored all options to fix the law to bring it into compliance by May 1 as Congress has required but has found no ways to fix it.

The World Trade Organization ruled last October that the United States has not done enough to fix a law that requires steaks, pork chops and other meat to carry labels that identify where animals were born, raised and slaughtered – the second time the trade panel has ruled against the measure. The WTO determined the latest country-of-origin labeling (COOL) rule provided less favorable treatment to livestock from Canada and Mexico.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Associated Press