USDA Grant Helps Pollo Real Expand Operation

Pollo Real, a poultry company in Socorro, plans to grow its flock of organically raised chicken through a grant from the USDA Rural Development program.

USDARD State Director Terry Brunner will present a certificate of obligation to the owners of Pollo Real on behalf of their successful application of funds through the Value Added Producer Grant Program.

The presentation will be made in Santa Fe at the Santa Fe Farmers Market, 1607 Paseo De Peralta No. 1, on Tuesday morning. The presentation will take place in Santa Fe because that is where the organic farm does most of its business. The event highlights USDA Rural Development’s financial support to create additional economic and job opportunities by helping owners of small and medium-sized family farms sell their products in local and regional markets.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: New Mexico Business Weekly