This Is One Manner Of Making Sausage That’s Worth A Look

An old saying goes, "There are two things you don't want to see being made — sausage and legislation."

Well, at the risk of mixing prepared meats, I'm here to say that's baloney.

The Ricci family has been making sausage for 65 years, and for the past four of those years they've been turning out about 1,000 pounds a day from a little shop on Steubenville Pike in Robinson. There, customers are invited to watch.

Those waiting for take-out orders or having lunch at one of the six stand-up tables can look through a picture window into the production room. Ernest "just call me Ernie" Ricci III, president of Ricci's Italian Sausage, is downright insulted that the family vocation might ever be compared to the legislative process.

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