Locavorism — eating foods grown, raised or produced as close to the point of consumption as possible — continues to grow beyond a mere fad. A concern for food safety, an interest in supporting local farmers and a realization that foods grown nearby usually taste fresher and better have all increased interest in and demand for more locally produced foods.
Now that the new growing season is starting, access to locally produced foods at farmers markets will be easier. But not everyone can get to farmers markets, especially to the ones that offer locally raised meats. Since early this year, however, consumers have had a new supermarket source for Kentucky-raised cattle, through PM Beef, a Minnesota beef processor, in cooperation with Kentucky Proud, a buy-local initiative of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.
The Butcher's Finest Hand Cut Premium label Black Angus beef, now available at area ValuMarket meat departments, comes from beef cattle raised on Kentucky farms, then sold to feed lots in Iowa for finishing. PM Beef, a small, regional beef processor in Windom, Minn., “harvests” the beef, then ships it back to Kentucky for sale at participating supermarkets and restaurants.
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