Regulations Can’t Guarantee Results

U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Attorney General Eric Holder are concerned about the fairness of agricultural markets. Last week they hosted a session in Fort Collins, Colo., that focused on the livestock industry.

The USDA's Grain Inspection, Stockyards and Packers Administration has proposed sweeping rules that would regulate how packers conduct business. The Justice Department is conducting investigations into possible antitrust violations by agri-businesses.

Reports suggest that the more than 2,000 ranchers, feeders, retailers and other interested parties who attended were evenly divided into two camps — one that favors wholesale changes in the industry, and another that cautions against radical change that will cause more harm than good.

There are some facts provided by the USDA on which most everyone agrees. The meaning of the facts, however, is the crux of the dispute between the two sides.

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