Rays Dog Coming Soon To Tampa Bay Area Grocery Stores

Sorry, fans of the Evan Foot "Longoria" Dog. The Rays' signature frank has landed in grocery stores, and it's simply named the Rays Dog.

Three months after its ballpark debut, you'll find the Kayem brand beef frank at Sweetbay Supermarket stores and in 180 Publix stores about July 19.

For less than a regular frank at Tropicana Field, you can pick up an 8-pack of the same formula in a 5.25-inch, 2-ounce size. It's priced like other all-beef franks at $3.99, said Bob Kufferman, senior brand manager for Kayem.

He hopes the Rays Dog finds a foothold in additional stores, though it'll never be sold outside the Rays market area, in accordance with Major League Baseball rules. Orlando? Yes. Miami? No.

To read the rest of this story please go to: The St. Petersburg Times