Queens Company Ordered To Stop Selling Uninspected Poultry To Retailers

A Queens slaughterhouse that had been selling thousands of pounds of uninspected poultry to local supermarkets has been enjoined from the practice by a court-approved decree announced Tuesday by federal prosecutors.

Inspectors from the Department of Agriculture discovered that the slaughterhouse, 44th Avenue Halal Poultry Corporation in Corona, which operates under an exemption to federal inspection laws that allows for the sale of uninspected poultry to individuals for at-home consumption, had been selling mass quantities of poultry directly to retailers.

The government filed suit against the company and its president, Hakim Abdul Mazumder, in April.

If Mr. Mazumder violates the decree, he will be subject to a series of escalating fines and the termination of the company’s exemption from the Poultry Products Inspection Act, the federal law that governs the inspections.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: New York Times