The Meat Institute released a new Glass Walls video that aims to clarify exactly how, when and why antibiotics are used in livestock. The video, which represents the ninth in the Glass Walls series, features a virtual tour of a livestock production facility from University of Nebraska and Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center veterinarian Brad Jones, DVM. Jones explains the decision-making process regarding antibiotic use in cattle and pigs, including the diagnosis of illnesses, treatment methods and antibiotic use considerations, as well as ways animals are tracked from antibiotic administration to harvest. The video is the latest NAMI resource to address common misconceptions about antibiotic use in food animals. Additional resources include the Institute’s “ Facts About Antibiotics in Livestock and Poultry Production” brochure and several Meat Mythcrusher videos tackling common antibiotic myths such as 80 percent of antibiotics are used in animals, antibiotics are commonly used for growth promotion and animal agriculture is the biggest contributor to antibiotic resistance. Since its release last week, the video has been viewed nearly 50,000 times on Facebook.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: North American Meat Institute