Moo & Oink is proud to announce the return of Moo & Oink Pork Chitterlings. The product is now on the shelves of grocery stores in the Chicagoland area just in time for the holidays. Chitterlings are commonly referred to as chits or chitlins.
“We know Moo & Oink Chitterlings were very popular in Chicago and have been missed over the last year,” said David L. Van Kampen, president and COO of Moo & Oink. “We took the time to perfect our process and can now offer chits for the holidays.”
Moo & Oink Chitterlings are pig intestines that are double-washed, packed in water, and then frozen. Chits are most typically prepared by cleaning and rinsing and then boiled or stewed for several hours. Chits sometimes are battered and fried after the stewing process and commonly are served with cider vinegar and hot sauce as condiments.
Moo & Oink Pork Chitterlings can be found at the following grocery stores in the Chicagoland area:
· 30 Jewel-Osco locations
· 13 Ultra Food locations
· 3 Leamington Foods locations
· Gary County Market
· One Stop
· Park Packing
Enjoyed in most pork-eating countries around the world, in the United States chits are a Southern or an African American culinary tradition. Considered a delicacy in South Carolina and other parts of the South, an annual “Chitlin Strut” in Salley, South Carolina, drew 70,000 people last year. It is estimated that 128,000 pounds of chits have been consumed during the festival’s history since it began in 1966. Although frequently served with rib tips or fried chicken, many families especially enjoy chits for special occasions such as Thanksgiving and/or Christmas.
Since the brand name Moo & Oink has such strong recognition, Van Kampen is committed to providing quality Moo & Oink products for its fans. Moo & Oink, LLC, is a joint venture between Best Chicago Meat Company and Dutch Farms.
“Best Chicago Meat excels at quality and reliability,” Van Kampen said. “We feel we provide a market basket of exceptional products to customers, and we are planning to bring Moo & Oink an unparalleled level of quality while keeping the good value.”
Best Chicago Meat’s commitment to customers goes well beyond delicious products, impeccably clean facilities and the highest standards in food safety. The company is proud to manufacture in a Chicago neighborhood and operates under a strict policy of energy conservation and waste reduction. At Best Chicago Meat, clean and green are fundamental.
In addition, the company is committed to the communities it serves by supporting activities such as youth sports programs, a high school intern program, community events and local and regional festivals. Best Chicago Meat stands strongly behind its customers by supporting local programs that promote family and neighborhood values.
For more information visit
Source: Best Chicago Meat